According to the calendar summer was over a week ago, but for me the summer came to an end yesterday when the United States Supreme Court announced that it had granted writs of certiorari in fourteen cases.
The summer is different for appellate lawyers and appellate court watchers. The Supreme Court takes a three month recess at the end of June, the New York Court of Appeals does not hear oral arguments in July and August, and in New York City the Appellate Divisions for the First and Second Departments also do not sit for oral arguments.
Summer does begin to fade early in September when the Court of Appeals and the Appellate Divisions resume oral arguments, but for me the summer is over when the Supreme Court is back in session. The Court traditionally reconvenes the first Monday in October, but yesterday it jump started the new Term by issuing decisions on the many petitions awaiting its attention.
On Monday, October 4, the Court will hear oral arguments in three cases, followed by three cases on Tuesday, and two on Wednesday. The summer is now officially over.